Questions and Answers

Are you ever open to taking on more girls? I always wanted to approach…

Are you ever open to taking on more girls? I always wanted to approach you but admittedly I am a college drop out. I am not an engineer or scientist, i recall you saying that is your type. I was not as privileged, unfortunately.. but I strive to be a good girl anyway. Would you be interested in girls who are not your educated preference?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

In order:

  1. I’m always open to someone who can add something useful to my life.
  2. Your college transcript —or lack thereof— isn’t inherently interesting. A degree proves the ability to prioritize and complete a years-long task, so it’s a useful data-point, but you can demonstrate that other ways as well.
  3. My “educated preference” is basically just “girls who can successfully parse most of what I say.” A girl with a degree might have a better career— or might not. A girl with a degree might get more of my references— or might not. A girl with a degree might have a more interesting social circle— or might not. What I need is to see that she’s bright enough to know what the fuck I’m talking about.