Questions and Answers

You didn’t enjoy Paddington 2?! Re: Hugh grant reference, of not enjoying any performances…

You didn’t enjoy Paddington 2?! Re: Hugh grant reference, of not enjoying any performances beyond Four Weddings.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I spent a few minutes with IMDB, and turns out, Hugh Grant was in three movies that I hold in some esteem:

  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Sirens
  • …and a personal favorite: Restoration

That last one had everything: a cocaine-era RDJ, Sam Neil being alternatively mischievous and malevolent, David Thewlis being intense and kinda awkward, Polly Walker being hot, Meg Ryan being… present.

I don’t even remember Hugh’s character at this point, and the movie’s definitely not for everyone, but I loved it.