Questions and Answers

hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about…

hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about my betterment, takes me on as his protégé, truly cares about me, and who i can tell is holding himself back from taking my holes by the last little thread of his own morals…

how do i get him to snap that thread?

If any of that other stuff matters to you… you don’t.

Consider for a moment that morality can be a pretty dumb basis for turning down a good fuck, but it can still be a pretty handy way to get at the truth without actually speaking the truth. You’d be surprised how often “I mustn’t, it would be wrong!” is really just code for “this is gonna change everything, and it’s gonna blow up in our faces, and we’re not even going to like one another anymore, and she’ll cry, and I’ll catch a DUI, but we can avoid all of it if I just mutter something about responsibility and power imbalances.”

He’s older. Trust that he knows what he wants. Let him make the call.

If he really wants to fuck you, not all the threads in the world can stop him.