Questions and Answers

Don’t you have girls that use baby bottles and pacifiers? Is that all that…

Don’t you have girls that use baby bottles and pacifiers? Is that all that far from the ABDL kink?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Depends on your perspective. I mean, Blossom has a paci and a sippy cup and giant baby head, but she’s not a baby. She’s a brave little girl. I just treat her like a baby, which is humiliating for a brave little girl, and entertaining for a mean old man.

And yeah, I’ve threatened to make Puddles wear adult diapers, but that’s not because she’s a precious baby… it’s because she’s a walking, talking —sloshing?— biohazard spill. Infantilizing her is purely secondary to my primary concern: preventing her from ruining her mattress with the wretched effluvium of her micro-bladder.

I have no interest in ABDL, in and of itself… it doesn’t excite me. But I won’t hesitate to use it in furtherance of a kink I do enjoy.