Questions and Answers

Im looking into getting a hysterectomy and like, i probably shouldn’t be asking you because i doubt it’ll be positive but,,,, i was just wondering if you had strong thoughts or feelings about people who’ve had that procedure done?

Truthfully, im gonna do it either way, but part of me just needed to know what you think

Okay, where are the newbies coming from, and what set of reblogged posts did they read that lead them to some weird conclusions about how we operate around here? Sheesh.

Why on Mother Nature’s green fucking Earth would I be negative about a serious, life-changing —and possibly life-saving— surgical procedure? In what scenario would I want to make a stranger feel shitty about something so invasive and scary and intense? Even in the era of laparoscopy, a hysterectomy is a major surgery, and I want you to go into it as positive as possible, with an eye toward a smooth recovery.

Quick thoughts:

  • You’re gonna be down and hurting for a while. Be patient. Let people look after you.
  • If they don’t do any remodeling in your abdomen, there will be some vague… settling… as your body figures out something is missing.
  • They don’t use morcellators for hysterectomies anymore, do they? If they do, don’t let them. Maybe your uterus is “clean”, but in general, I feel like it’s a bad idea to go scattering random cells around the abdominal cavity.

Take care of yourself. I hope whatever you’re treating feels better soon.