Questions and Answers

Is there a level of interaction between “sending asks ans adoring from afar” and…

Is there a level of interaction between “sending asks ans adoring from afar” and “being owned”? Are you accepting applications for friends?

There are two, I suppose.

  1. The stream is a great opportunity for people to hang out and be friendly. For a minimum of six hours a week, you can expose yourself to my weird little interests and infinite digressions… it’s 80% of the experience of knowing me.
  2. I own a girl or two whose lives —for various reasons— limit their usefulness in significant ways. They’re closer to me than random anons and acquaintances, but they’re not part of the Sisterhood… they’re in-betweeners. They’ve known me a long time, I know them better than anyone else in their worlds, and the couple things they can do for me are done with gusto.

You’ll probably need to start with 1 if you want to reach 2 at this point.