Questions and Answers

What is the issue if the girl is a republican? We are usually more…

What is the issue if the girl is a republican? We are usually more submissive than democrats. Would you rather your girl be a communist?

Clearly, someone wasn’t reading this blog in 2016… I mean, one of my nastiest stories is entitled Election Night Theater. With that said…

  • Alas, there’s far more than a single issue. But if I had to pick a primary one…? Such a girl would be unlikely to share any of my priorities. Which isn’t automatically a problem, since being with me means her priorities will be changing anyway… but that would demand a lot of change.
  • I’ve owned an apolitical or hybridized —I hesitate to say centrist— girl or two, and it’s worked fine. An actual conservative —an endangered species— would have a very small chance with me, and a —little “L”— libertarian would have a 50-50 shot… but someone self-identifying as Republican would be setting herself up for an epic effort in philosophical mountaineering.
  • Heh. Let’s just say that this “usually more submissive” thing has not been even remotely true in my experience. But then, I’ve never been in the market for a tradwife… my findings might be different if I viewed domesticity as a fundamental aspect of submission.
  • If my only choices are MAGA or Marxist, then yeah, I’ll take the Marxist every time. But in reality, I’d prefer to tick “none of the above”.