Questions and Answers

Hello Mr. Bedtime. I’m a long-time follower, and I would scroll and edge my little brains out wishing I could find a man mean enough to have my best interests in mind. Well, I realized that I have to be pretty (and skinny) enough in order to even find a man to do these things, and so I have to start by holding /myself/ accountable. I’ve been working on my flexibility for a couple weeks, and today for the first time I am going to make myself puke! Thank you for motivating me to be the best me.


Just… no. You sweet, stupid little fuck.

(I’m gonna say a bunch of things you already know, but maybe you’ll listen if I say it.)

Y’know what purging’s gonna get you, dummy? An ED and an ass just as fat as the one you started with. Shitty breath and bad teeth and acid burning holes in your throat. Even if your hare-brained little scheme “works”, you’re just gonna find yourself on a psychiatric hold in some hospital somewhere, not at the feet of a man who can use you.

It’s great that you want to be better, that you want to deserve the things you crave. But if you’ve got the will to fuck up your life, then you’ve also got the will to fix it. Get up off your ass and go to the gym four or five days a week. If you can’t do that, go for a walk every day. When walking gets too easy, start running. Buy a bike off Craigslist. Move your goddamned body.

Watch what you eat. Log that shit. Look for the patterns. Consume less than you burn. Feed yourself thoughtfully, not obsessively. And while you’re at it, accept that not everyone gets to be a five foot tall pixie who lives off cookies and sunshine. Sometimes you find out you’re a little tank who’s meant to be strong and cute, not a delicate waif. Be the loveliest pink tank you can, and carry on.

And just so we’re clear: pretty is pleasing and easy to appreciate, but it’s simply a good way to get your foot in the door. It doesn’t earn you a place at the hearth. It doesn’t make you obedient or loving or worshipful. It’s one factor among the many that make a girl worth owning, and fixating on it isn’t gonna improve the entirety of you.

And we care about the whole whore around here.