Questions and Answers

plaidcat4815 asked:

Afternoon, Sir.

I hadn’t seen any posts from you in a while and was pleased to see @hisblossom something that had a distinct familiarity to it and happened to be this blog. I’m incredibly sorry for your loss, please accept my deepest sympathies. Though saddened by the news, I am happy to have stumbled upon you again. With all due respect, it’s good to see you again.

I suppose I should do one of those “reblog this so people can find me” posts, but things have been hectic for numerous reasons, and I’m lagging at pretty much everything.

Thank you for the condolences. I miss him terribly, but it had to happen. I wish I’d had more time, but honestly, I feel like I already got an extra few months, so I’m just being greedy.

Plus, I had the good fortune of knowing him for 14 years. Most people would be lucky to have that good a friend for so long.

And I’m happy to see you happily stumbling. 🙂