Questions and Answers

Anonymous asked:

You think one of the reasons that you only like a girl half of your age that because you are worried that mature women would show you how immature you are and throw you away. I mean apart from all those fancy words, you are just a shallow man who has no relationship and ambitions. It really surprises me how a grown man spends this much time talking about silly things and that too only online.

One day you will meet a real woman and you will regret how much you have wasted pursuing just cunts but you will be old enough to not even jerk off.

I’m trying to figure out if this is from the pen of a particularly incurious, humorless, and shockingly vapid woman, or just some random dude.

Six of one, half-dozen of the other. 🤷‍♂️

  1. There are no reason me only like girl half me age, because me no only like girl half me age. Me be with woman older than me for longer than you be alive. (I’m not sure how else to convey the concept of “30 years” to an addlepated cave-dweller.)
  2. There are countless relevant accusations to be leveled at me, and salient names to call me. I am a deeply flawed entity. But I’m afraid “immature” isn’t high on the list.
  3. Suggestion: try “constipated”. ‘Cause, I mean, the girls and I were in NOLA for nine days last month, and, well… once. That’s all I’ll say. Once.
  4. Your failure to understand the power of “fancy words” will always render whole layers of the human experience opaque to you. You’re walking in a blur, convinced myopia is proper to man.
  5. Shallow is a judgment call. I’ll let that one slide.
  6. Dude, I’m in more years-long, physical, committed relationships right now than you will have, consecutively, throughout the entirety of your misbegotten life. I’ve got more relationship-hours under my belt than you and your parents put together. None of which makes me right, of course… but it damned sure means you’re wrong.
  7. People build shrines to me and pray to me before bed. Where precisely is my ambition to go from here? Ragnarok?
  8. This grown man has been writing about kink for over 30 years now; before the web, upon the web, and then beyond it. However much time you think I’ve spent, trust me, it’s more.
  9. You’re free to find all of this silly. I find furries silly. I find men who love My Little Pony silly. Humans gonna human… for some people, an individual slipping and sliding on ice is a terrifying, nerve-wracking sight; for others, it’s a fucking laugh-riot; and for still others, it’s called “figure skating” and we pretend not to laugh when they fall.
  10. As I’ve said before, this “only online” thing kinda concerns me. Without question, much of what you see on Tumblr is generated by people shouting their unrealized fantasies into the void. No, your sad cousin Jessica doesn’t actually want to be raped by a team of spider monkeys and a maintenance guy named Francis. Yes, (at)butseriouslyihatechicks69 would be scared to deliver his shpiel to the face of an actual woman. But physical hook-ups and long-term relationships are not uncommon around here, and you can find yourself in deep shit if you don’t figure that out PDQ.
  11. You may be surprised to hear this, but women are rather common. They’re, like, everywhere. It’s almost like they’re 51% of humanity. And I’ve met lots of them at this point. I can’t 100% guarantee all of them were real, but I got a handful of a handful of ‘em, and can thus attest to their splooshy reality.
  12. I don’t pursue “just cunts”. I don’t pursue anyone. I am pursued.
  13. No, that’s not right… I’m beseeched.
  14. I cannot refute your closing remark. I am indeed old and will probably need viagra someday. So…