Questions and Answers

Anonymous asked:

You loved him so much. Thank you for sharing your story with us

You’re welcome. I’m incredibly proud of everything he was.

Most everything.

As an adult, he was a saint. Ninety-nine percent of the time. He was kind to other animals, never so much as growled at a friendly human, and took the poking and prodding of vets and groomers with grace and patience.

Except for the 1% of the time when a pastry was left sitting at snout-level. Usually a kolache, occasionally a biscuit. He wouldn’t dare linger and lap up food from a plate… that would be Bad Boy behavior. Instead, he targeted food that could be snatched up in a fraction of a second, and wolfed down almost as quickly.

He never took time to savor it. The evidence of his thievery was gone in a blink. And I can only assume that he figured he’d gotten away with something, because he never displayed a moment’s shame.

Which is how I learned that In DogWorld, if it happens quickly enough, it probably didn’t happen at all.

(I’m kind of proud of that, too.)