Questions and Answers

Anon: When you guys are all together, do you ever get 1 on 1 time with any of them? If so, what do the other girls do?

At the very least, everyone gets a little private arrival and bye-bye time… the better to contain the zoomies at the start and the weepies at the end. During NOLA they each had the opportunity to sleep next to me, so they all had eight-ish hours alone with me there… hm.

Let me add this up. Individual moments of private praising/scolding… occasions when I cornered them in the bathroom… hug-hug-forehead kiss-“deep breath, settle down”-hug-hug-grab cunt and pinch-slap ass-“get back in there champ” time…

I dunno, add it all up and they probably got 10-ish hours apiece. Maybe more, but that’s the baseline.

RE: what do the other girls do

They live like typical listless twentysomethings, enslaved to the rectangular glass teat in their purses: they scroll Instagram and occasionally conspire on ways to politely and respectfully convince me to get back to hurting people.