Questions and Answers

Brats are anti-you, but still in your opinion submissive right ?

I agree with everything you said I guess I’m just asking for even more elaboration, sorry to be a bother. I know I’ve seen a lot of disagreement over it.

To elaborate…

Girls are submissive —in the sense of personal identity— if they tell me they are. Girls are submissive —in terms of a relationship— if they’re following the lead of a dominant, wherever that lead takes them. And girls are submissive —in the dictionary sense, that favorite of sophomoric dipshits everywhere— when they’re obedient and passive.

Which of those perspectives you choose to prioritize says less about your kinks and more about your interest in and understanding of the inner lives of the human beings around you, as well as your own capacity for processing emotions more complicated than those of a feral boar piglet.

Again, this is not to suggest that we must all find brats adorable and encourage their antics; I’m a fan of compliance, thanks. But you don’t need to invalidate the core of someone’s identity to explain your unwillingness or inability to control them… maybe they’re simply not right for you. Maybe the moment is wrong. Maybe you’re inadequate.

Whatever the case, telling submissive people that they’re not submissive people in order to put them in their place is the oldest, laziest, shittiest trick in the manipulative handbook. It’s the last resort of bunglers, and the first of petty con artists and gatekeepers.

See it for what it is, and you’ll be fine.

(I’m publishing this ask in edited form because the first half of the original is basically looking for my take on a specific purveyor of nonsense, which is unnecessary. If you read me closely at all, you should already be able to guess what I think of toxic douchebags.)