Questions and Answers

My new boyfriend is really vanilla and made fun of me (in the not hot way) when he found out I have a piss kink )-: since when did it get lame to piss on your girlfriend ????

I don’t usually jump to this conclusion, ‘cause you never know with people, and I’m getting only your side, but… dump his ass.

Seriously. Dump him.

Not because he won’t pee on you, you filthy little degenerate. Dump him because he’s a new boyfriend, and he’s already so threatened by your sexuality that he’s trying to silence you early on with mockery and shame. It won’t get better from here. The authentic You freaks him out, and that won’t end until you’ve hidden everything inside you that makes him uncomfortable.

Go find someone who will mock and shame you while he’s pissing in your face, as nature intended.