
You shouldn’t worry about showing ur face. People will just think what a cute tall cutie and anyone who told your dad or mom would just need fucking off. I’m sure you have the biggest of eyes like doe eyes to go with your pretty young tall body




Thanks! My eyes are pretty big 👀

Dear big-eyed girls: stop taunting me with your giant orbs.

That’s right, keep it up. You think you can get away with your oppressive, Disney-like gaze, distracting me from normal activities like not walking into doors! You just keep on laughing, you eyelash-fluttering fascists!

But know this, delicate demons! One day, we the ensorceled shall rise up, and yea, we shall smite you upon your fleshy bits, and verily, the glory of heaven shall be brought low unto the earth. (And maybe even kicked around a little.)

So there.