Essays and Bad Ideas

Gaslighting Today

When Business Models Wear Fedoras

Let me start by saying that this is really, really stupid. First, because the service is only going to be effective at extracting money from a gullible man’s wallet; I’m afraid adtech isn’t going to make your wife want to suck your lazily manipulative cock, Jeff.

Second, because you’re handing over your credit card info and your “loved” one’s online whereabouts to people who are even less trustworthy than you are. Go look in the mirror, think about that for a minute, and try washing some dishes, you creepy fuck.

With that said, The Spinner* is the kind of thing that could be fun if it were actually much worse. It purports to use cookies planted in your woman’s browser to track and influence her through online ad placement, but it’s insufficiently granular.

I want her to tell me how she overheard one of the girls at work whisper that her new haircut makes her look queer, and then bombard her with ads encouraging her to come out of the closet. I want to casually mention that I saw her dad eyeing her ass at the family picnic, and then watch her face as she finds that every page on the web seems to be encouraging her to consider the importance of father/daughter bonding. I want to get her a nice card for Valentine’s Day that tells her how smart, pretty, and lovable she is, and then relentlessly push her to a website that’s running an article about how men always lie to shut women up.

Like every idea an MRA or incel will ever have, The Spinner* lacks imagination.