Questions and Answers

I wish you could destroy me. I’m pretty useless otherwise….

I’m not a Millennial-hater; I think most of them are decent people with shitty parents, who had even shittier parents of their own. (It’s shit all the way down, really.)

But among the handful of things within Millennial culture that I genuinely despise, there are those YouTube videos where a few jackasses take an expensive, fully-functional, in-demand piece of technology out into a field and go full-on Office Space on it, just because they’re wealthy enough to not give a fuck. That crap makes my blood boil.

Some poor kid with no dad and half a mom could have used that release-day PlayStation you crushed to escape his household of misery, Justin. That Surface Pro you set on fire could have gotten someone through high school, Jared. You could have left your shit on a street corner with a “TAKE ME” note attached and generated more value for the world than you ever will recording yourself being conspicuously gross with your abundance.

And I said all that to say: I’m not into wanton destruction. I recycle, resell, or pass it along.