Questions and Answers

daddy, what was the 80s like?

We just finished watching the series finale of Halt and Catch Fire, which spent its first few seasons in the ‘80s, so I suppose I have a thought or three.

  • The clothes were embarrassing. The music was mostly shitty. The movies were mediocre. Television was literally the worst it has ever been.
  • Everyone was worried about being nuked or contracting AIDS.
  • Everyone was also worried about the devil, for some reason. He was backward-masking messages into our rock-n-roll records, he was molesting kids in daycare, he made Jim Bakker trip and fall into Jessica Hahn’s vagina… you name it, the dude was everywhere in the ‘80s.
  • Adult supervision was scarce and half-hearted, so we largely raised ourselves. Phil Donahue and Oprah helped.
  • Bush. Lots and lots of bush.
  • I voted for Walter Mondale in my school’s mock election. He received a total of three votes.
  • I was sitting in my friend’s pickup in the school parking lot —listening to Hall & Oates, I believe— when they announced that Challenger had exploded. It was heartbreaking; “astronaut” was still a common aspiration back then. (Years later, after Challenger and Columbia, I cried like a little bitch when visiting NASA’s memorial at Cape Canaveral.)
  • Half my time as a teenager in the ‘80s was spent listening to adults talk about being a teenager in the ‘60s. Motherfuckers wouldn’t shut up about it.