Questions and Answers

Please talk more about how “we wrecked women’s sexual shame.” You seem to think this is both a good and bad thing? How can we fix it?

Sexual shame in general has been a central organizing principle of modern civilization, but women’s shame in particular has been a tool for structuring societies all the way back to antiquity. Talking about the “good” or “bad” of it almost misses the point; like war, it’s so much bigger than the parochial priorities of the present.

So when I say something’s been “broken”, what I’m talking about is a vast, embedded system of control that has been overloaded and crashed by spoiled little boys who were never taught to appreciate their toys. By depriving women of even the most basic benefits of oppression –privacy, intimacy, mystique– men have essentially forced the women around them to begin dividing by zero. It’s all error reports and unexpected output from there.

As for a fix, what does that even look like? A wholesale replacement of the cultural infrastructure? A reset to some comfortable collection of pre-21st century norms? Legal patches that punt the problem down the road to generations yet unborn? Or is the fix as simple as openly acknowledging that the system exists, that it is huge and powerful, and we must each seek to engage it on our own terms?

I honestly don’t know.