Questions and Answers

autistic brat that just left a 6 year relationship with my 17 years older e. european daddy. devastated. he was addicted to meth and lost control over his life. he had me living with his wife and kid. dropped me out of school and moved me in so i could cover his income as his drug use got him fired, but wouldn’t be honest about it. lied to me–a nothing, a slave–to save face. he went from being such a proud, dominant man to a sniveling, basic narcissist. i miss him. was i wrong to leave him?

Wrong? You silly, silly thing.

I know almost nothing about autism and eastern Europeans, but I know plenty about meth and how people treat others when they’re on it. It doesn’t matter what kind of fucked-up, confused, aimless dummy you might be; it doesn’t matter if you’re a morally malformed gutter-cunt who’ll fuck anything with two testicles and a bad attitude; it doesn’t matter what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you.

You always deserve more than life with a meth-head.

I fucking promise.