Questions and Answers

I don’t have a question, so my apologies for abusing the ask button to fire statements at you… But your writing is so beautiful and relatable. My heart and cunt ache at the same time when I read your blog. It’s perfect. I hope you keep writing. ♡

I love this. Everything about it. Let me count the ways…

  • It starts with an unwarranted apology. I know you girls are constantly telling yourselves that you shouldn’t apologize for nothing –for just existing– but personally…? I think it’s cute.
  • It’s made up of multiple coherent sentences. (Emoji aside.) See, I talk about “dumb girls” a lot, but it should be understood that I’m mostly interested in emotional stupidity and poor decision-making skills, not actual, illiterate dumbassery. I sometimes speak in paragraphs and expect a chick to keep up.
  • It evinces an adorkable attention to the meaning of words.
  • It focuses on the writing and addresses me as a writer, rather than blindly reaching for my cyber-dick and making vague, empty promises of sexy nonsense. This is a girl who recognizes why I’m here and what I’m trying to do.
  • Secretly, I kinda liked the emoji.

Be more like her.