Questions and Answers

Are you jealous?

At the moment? Not that I’ve noticed.

As a kid? Oh, hell yeah.

In general? Seldom, and less all the time. As an adult, I’ve found that I’m only jealous when I’m not being honest about what I want from someone, and honesty is one of those rare things in life that is 100% within my sphere of control.

If I’m feeling jealous, it means that I need to pull someone aside and put her in her place. If she refuses to stay there, then I need to let her go. The flowchart is pretty simple, and would have saved me a lot of nights in my late teens and early 20s, standing in the rain and shaking my fist at god over The One Who Got Away.

(Also potentially useful to my younger self: a time machine and access to Facebook, since I now realize she was really The Bullet That I Dodged.)