
You decide to share your life, which is an awesome thing, but I thought I missed something and wanted to ask about it because you’re flipping out. I get that you’re upset about whatever, but be a fucking adult and don’t take it out on everyone. You don’t have to run this blog, it was your choice it share your life. People are going to ask questions, I wasn’t being rude or disrespectful to you at all. It wouldn’t kill you to do the same??? If you have an issue with questions delete your blog.


If you don’t like how I handle stupid questions then go ahead and unfollow. This blog is for me, not for you.

I love how Tumblr gives me an opportunity to observe the casual dickery of the modern male in such abundance and detail. It’s educational, and occasionally, kind of impressive.

I mean, Uppity McDicksquiggle up there found a way to take a classic asshole sentiment –“c’mon, how about a smile?”– and expand it into dozens of words worth of mansplaining, entitlement, condescension, and hurt feewings. That’s some solid, craftsman-level douchebaggery, in my opinion, and it’s hard not to admire the years of work that have gone into honing such skill.

It’s an amazing time to be alive!