Questions and Answers

Name three girls on tumblr you would fuck

Only three? Okay then, I pick:

1. The girl with the pretty lip that begs to be split, the pretty eye that cries to be swollen, and the pretty, nervous laugh that hides a sob of need and shame that she can scarcely contain.

2. The girl with the body that isn’t quite good enough –with boobs too small or big, with hips too narrow or wide, with skin too mottled or rough– and the determination to give me everything she has in atonement for the sin of her inadequacy.

3. The girl who reads my blog religiously, devouring every word and turning it into fuel for her clit. which she rubs in fevered secrecy behind closed doors and a veil of lies. The girl with the blog full of fitspo and daily affirmations and feminist agitprop GIFs and sad, yearning song lyrics. The girl who thinks no one can see what a depraved, desperate scrap of humanity she’s becoming in service to my words and her cunt. The girl who is so very wrong about that, as she is about so many other things.