Questions and Answers

Name three celebrities that some men find hot but you don’t find attractive.

Judging women by my subjective standards of beauty for no reason other than the inherent satisfaction of classifying them like cuts of fuckable meat?

How can I say no?

All-Time “I Don’t Get The Appeal” Hall of Fame: Julia Roberts. Didn’t understand the fascination twenty years ago, and still don’t. I’m still mystified by her Oscar, too; her career highlight was dying in Steel Magnolias.

Special Jury Prize For Following Too Closely In Her Aunt’s Footsteps: Emma Roberts. I prefer her work to Julia’s, but I don’t find her hot at all. Plus, Eric’s sweaty, leering performance in the Mr. Brightside video is still the best the Roberts clan has to offer.

I Only Want To Look At Her When She’s Being Pissed On, Lifetime Achievement: Kim Kardashian. ‘Nuff said.


Special Achievement In Becoming Instantly Asexual After Pregnancy: Jessica Alba. Before Cash Warren (fuck that guy) defiled her with his seed, okay, she was hot… but that’s as dead as her movie career now.