Essays and Bad Ideas


This is going to read like a pro forma disclaimer, but it isn’t. I often go to a lot of effort to speak truth through lies and misdirection, but I’m being 100% straightforward right now.

This blog is not a work of advocacy. It is not trying to persuade anyone of anything. While I certainly hope it occasionally provides grist for the philosophical mill, it is ultimately no more or less than a work of transgressive literature. I’m an individual playing with ideas that are extremely impolite and impolitic in a way that –on my best days– unpacks the hypnotic allure of sexual destruction and despair.

I’m not trying to troll anyone. I don’t want to fuck up your weekend. I don’t want anyone reading this shit who isn’t emotionally prepared to deal with it and intellectually aware that nothing I’m saying should be accepted at face value.

Question everything, children. Especially me.