Questions and Answers

I bet this really is Michael Madsen.

Heh. Amusingly, I never intended Sir Michael to become my spirit animal. My intent was to swap the photo out every few weeks with another older and vaguely creepy B-list actor, but it never happened, for several reasons:

1. I was watching The Borgias at the time, and wanted to put Jeremy Irons into the rotation… until I figured out that Jeremy Irons means something very specific to Tumblr. I briefly considered trading in the man himself for a head-shot of Scar from The Lion King, but realized that might only make things somehow worse.

2. I was also thinking Tom Sizemore, but rejected him because he’s now creepy and sad.

3. I’m pretty sure half my audience would prefer to passively believe I’m a drunk, embittered Mr. Blonde, smoking my way through a pack of Kools in a dirty Motel 6 at 4am, feverishly writing tortured fuck-monologues while hunched over a creaky, ten year-old laptop, as a coke-dusted hooker with two black eyes snores noisily into a semen-crusted pillowcase on the bed behind me. Why would I want to take that away from them?