Uhm… so I‘m in a relationship with a 17 year age gap… also I‘m 24… and he used to be my teacher (no joke)…

And we are in a kind of ddlg Relationship, it’s mostly in the bedroom but some aspects are also there in everyday life. What I wanted to ask you is how you feel about couples who are into bdsm and have a big age gap.

Read the rest “Uhm… so I‘m in a relationship with a 17 year age gap… also I‘m 24… and he used to be my teacher (no joke)…”

Do you think huge age gaps in relationships (both consensual adults) automatically lead to a huge power imbalance?


And that’s the point.

Age isn’t just a number. You’re not mature for your age. He’s not young at heart. If you don’t actively want to be molded and manipulated by an old man who treats you like a child and wields his power to recast you in a form that suits him, then you’re doing it wrong.

Do you have any strong opinions on 10+ year age gap relationships?

Every girl I was involved with from eighteen ‘til my forties was older than me, anywhere from six months to fifteen years. Since then they’ve been younger, by decades. So I’ve seen it from multiple perspectives.

Given how complex and murky I know the reality to be, I can’t say I have strong opinions, but I have some random thoughts.… Read the rest “Do you have any strong opinions on 10+ year age gap relationships?”

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?


In terms of an official, mutually recognized relationship?

Dolly was 24 years younger than me. Peanut is 27 years my junior. There have been a few contenders who were 30 years behind me, but that’s a big fucking gap, and requires a lot of extra effort to bridge it successfully.

Read the rest “What was the biggest age difference with a partner?”

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?


In terms of an official, mutually recognized relationship?

Dolly was 24 years younger than me. Peanut is 27 years my junior. There have been a few contenders who were 30 years behind me, but that’s a big fucking gap, and requires a lot of extra effort to bridge it successfully.

Read the rest “What was the biggest age difference with a partner?”

What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship,…

What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship, and what age difference is too much?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I don’t care about the age difference… the culture gap is what matters.

I’ve always said I prefer ‘90s girls because their formative childhood years and my formative adult years directly overlap.… Read the rest “What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship,…”

What was the biggest age difference with a partner?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

In terms of an official, mutually recognized relationship?

Dolly was 24 years younger than me. Peanut is 27 years my junior. There have been a few contenders who were 30 years behind me, but that’s a big fucking gap, and requires a lot of extra effort to bridge it successfully.… Read the rest “What was the biggest age difference with a partner?”

I just love how you managed to put “binding women into a sworn sisterhood of submission to my benevolent, periodically unsettling whims” and “soft touch” in the same context

I yam what I yam. At some point, I had to accept that as much as I would like to be some ominous, unrelenting force of masculinity, I’m too self-critical to sustain that pose. It’s in my nature to question everything, including the justice of my actions or demands, and it’s through that annoying little crack/gaping hole in my implacability that mercy and indulgence seep in.… Read the rest “I just love how you managed to put “binding women into a sworn sisterhood of submission to my benevolent, periodically unsettling whims” and “soft touch” in the same context”