Tell us more about the gathering!!!! How did you get those bruises?

Tell us more about the gathering!!!! How did you get those bruises?


Dada beat me with his belt, and was nice enough to turn the buckle on me 🙇‍♀️ the first night I was a screaming wuss, but the few times after that I was asking for more.

The gathering in general was a whirlwind of coziness, comfort, fear, humiliation, pain, love, and belonging

RE: Dad’s belt

In fairness to Blossom, the real screaming wuss showed up on Wednesday.

RE: a whirlwind of coziness, comfort, fear, humiliation, pain, love, and belonging

And that’s just from me introducing you to The OA.


“I’d rather never cum again than have to wait, it would be so much easier”


“Like I’d rather know I’ll never cum ever again than have to blindly wait for the next time, over and over… never again is so much easier.”

“And that’s exactly why I don’t deal in never again.”


Look, even if I told you “never again”, I would just wait for an opportune moment to make you cum anyway and thus remind you:

  1. that your body doesn’t belong to you
  2. that your expectations and ease are irrelevant
  3. that denial isn’t denial if you’ve forgotten what’s been denied.


hastily clicking my phone off and hiding it under the covers every time Dad walks past the slightly ajar bedroom door after he’s tucked me in wasn’t a sensation I was ever expecting to feel again but here we are 🙈

Clearly I need to be taking away your phone at bedtime…


it’s almost Daddy Day 🤍

On this weekend’s episode of Mythbusters, we’re going to find out what really happens if you wrestle with pigs. Will I get dirty? Will the pigs enjoy it? Will something explode? Is Canadian bacon really different?

Let’s find out!