
Found Family

I grew up in a very cold house. My biological siblings and I are friends now, but we weren’t between my ages of around 10-19. I missed out during my formative years on a lot of sibling love and solidarity, fun and inside jokes, banter and support. We have it now, but the years without left a void.

Thanks to our Father, I have that anew. A sense of belonging, camaraderie, understanding, care, compassion, and (what I imagine to be – since I don’t have experience with it, and as such very much cherish) regular sibling banter and ribbing.

Every day I heal a little bit more. I love a little more, I learn a little more, I grow a little more and I get a little bit better. I become a better girl, a better woman, friend, servant and sister.

And all thanks to Him, my God, my master – and most importantly, my Dad.

You do your worst and they become their best.

It’s quite a spell, if you know how to cast it.


Only He could make me forget the entire English language when trying to speak… It’s something that comes so easy in the presence of a God 🙇🏻‍♀️❤️

It’s a good thing you’re so goddamned helpful, ‘cause it’s awfully easy to turn you into an incoherent blob of nothingness.


why couldn’t I have internalized the pain, confusion, fear and longing to please that came from being bullied by “friends” throughout the entirety of my formative years and become deeply scarred and repressed my sexuality like a normal person instead of developing a raging, insatiable bully kink, particularly from pretty girls 😪


Because those little bitches did a helluva job on you.

You should thank them.


larger than life

When He entered a room, it made my breath catch – every time.

His voice up close sent my stomach tumbling into somersaults.

Feeling the ease of His authority rolling off of Him made my heart flutter.

His effortless command of any room He entered impressed and intimidated me in equal mesure.

His sarcasm, intelligence and quick wit left me feeling like a toddler looking up at my Dad with starry eyes – my Dad, the funniest man alive, the smartest, kindest, the safest and the scariest; He’s my sky, He’s my sun, He’s forever.

And His touch… His touch left me a trembling, aching, mewling creature, forever desperate for more.

I don’t know about “effortless command of any room”. Let’s try this instead: “comfortable command of any room populated by slow-witted fuckholes.”

I’ll cop to that.

Do people in your life know about Mr. B?

Do people in your life know about Mr. B?


Like irl? Mhm – more or less everyone except my biological family.

mostly everyone else actively in my life know to some degree, but my two best friends know every single lil thing about me – so they certainly know about him, who he is to me, and most of what that entails.

Some girls were born to run away and join the circus.

It just takes a while to find the right ringmaster.

favorite blogs?

favorite blogs?


I would literally die for @ur-local-menace and @ghouulish

But on top of that I love love love @maggotsinyourgut @cvlt-d4d @ghost-of-dadd1es-past @bedtimestoriesforbrokengirls @fallenfawnn @scars-and-memories

@hooplecxnt @hisblossom @fragilefairys @dumbcinnamonroll @klfk00 @babyangelcake666 @cpr0phetx @yourmilkdoll @wildfire-81 @followthesirenssong @pareidoliaaaa @softlikevelvet @dgwwm5 @vampkittie @altar-ov-plagues @rottvn @angelfuckpup @mikaababy @lolababyy @888lvl @lllucidtears @houseof1000cokebags @seduxid-0-ll @bratbbe @disgustinggf @faeriedreams @corruptyrs @vampyr3wife @sassyredheadedmess and probably so many more I forgot


none of those high school aptitude tests told me I’d be best suited for being a reverent acolyte to a real-life God, dedicating my life to His service and trying by any means necessary to earn my keep at His feet but here we are

Better that than the alternative.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why we called you to the principal’s office, Blossom. You’re not in trouble… not exactly. But we, um… we’re seeing some very strange results from these aptitude tests…”