
pizza night

I’d spent the night repeatedly putting my foot in my mouth and as a result had ended up on my knees at His side while the adults carried on at the table properly.

He was holding me by my hair, gripped in His fist, tilting my head back.

“…and you didn’t even finish your piece-”

didn’t I? I thought I – wait! Did I not finish? I thought… ok. Maybe I didn’t! I didn’t. I didn’t finish it?” the stream of panicked doubt poured out of me as I looked beseechingly up at Him. I was certain I’d had the whole piece.

Daddy shook His head, correcting me. “No, you only had half.”

Oh! Ok. I thought – ok. I didn’t finish. I didn’t?” my eyes found his, wide as saucers as I looked for His approval. I hadn’t finished. He’s always right.

He laughed and shook his head again, this time at my stupidity. “Yes, dummy, you finished it.” He looked down at me appraisingly. “You know, I could have gaslit the absolute shit out of you just now and it would’ve been so easy.”

I just trust you, that’s all.

This is what I think of as Family Fun Time.


security blanket

my sister gave me a gift, a soft pink pillow with a soft pink unicorn on it. It unzips into a soft purple blanket, and it keeps me safe and warm.

when I get lonely, I spend extra time with it. I pull it between my legs, and let it warm me another way. I close my eyes and think of hers, remembering how they looked gazing down at me while she and Daddy gently mocked me as I wriggled and moaned under them.

I never had a blanket like this when I was a little girl, so I’m extra grateful to have one now. One that can either wrap me up in a hug and be a refuge, or be the thing I use to feel closer to my family when I miss them most. I’m so lucky 💕

I don’t know if it was mockery as much as simple observation… you can’t expect people not to comment on something ridiculous and overstuffed in the living room, whether it’s a couch, a girl, or some unholy amalgam of the two. And in fairness, she was on my lap like a little lady, while you were on the floor, humping the heel of my foot like a poorly-socialized dog, so of course we were “gazing down”. You were just about as “down” as you could be without actually becoming one with the carpeting.

It was certainly gentle, though. I mean, I did spit in your eye and shame you for being a victim… but it was mostly gentle. (I didn’t even punch you very hard.) And I thought it was super-nice, the way I let you kiss her tits and get felt up in return.

But to be clear, we are in complete agreement on one thing: you are so lucky.


it’s always daddy issues this, mommy issues that, but what’s the word for a when you spent your formative years being bullied, mocked and bossed around by your prettier friends and have a resulting desperate desire to just be a good baby for them, and earn the approval of the same people who sneer down at you and make a hobby of humiliating you 🥺

The word is “cunt”.

It’s “cunt”.


my heart sings and my cunt throbs at the quiet, calm command of His voice: “65. 70, then. 75. Okay, 80,” directing my sister to increase the intensity level of the shocks I receive.

I’m throbbing from the shocks too, but nothing in the world compares to what His voice can do.

The shock collar was fun because of the array of responses.

As expected, Blossom was basically a pain sponge… I could have punched her in the throat and she would have just blinked and croaked “ow”. Pinky wanted to impress me by taking it to 100, but I wanted to leave some room for growth. And Piglet? Calling her a “whiny baby” would be the understatement of the year… I’m not even sure she made it to 20.

Does your partner have to be shorter or taller than you?

Does your partner have to be shorter or taller than you?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

Shorter. I prefer them to be runts— er, that is, delicate fairies, but I’m more interested in the entirety of the package and what kind of fucked up, broken Lilliputian lives inside her.

With that said, the more she exceeds 5’8″, the lower her heels will be getting.

I swear everytime I tell a guy that I’m 5’0”, I can sense their dick hardening through the internet 🙈

Runts are hot. 🤷🏻‍♂️


sweet nothings

I was riding the edge for what felt like an eternity, despairing that I’d never get there and prove to be useless even in this. I wanted to do something right, but I was too overwhelmed to get there.

after i whimpered “I can’t – I can’t”, He leaned down and hissed “you. deserved. everything. that happened to you,” in my ear, correctly assuming that I knew exactly what He was referring to.

I finished within 30 seconds.

“Please” isn’t the magic word.

If you want to cast a spell, just speak the truth.


kiss & make up

the girls haven’t always gotten along, but Daddy’s there to help us be better daughters and better sisters – by whatever means.

….and it’s even more effective when in that moment you know for certain that she’s better than you are, and you’re lucky he’s letting her touch you.

Nothing brings a family together faster than watching the kids make out while you spit on them.

Do your girls go to therapy? And if they do, How do they approach…

Do your girls go to therapy? And if they do, How do they approach the subject with their therapists? Or would you not let anyone else near their minds?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

Some do. Either because they actively want to, or I think they need the extra help.

Personally, I did a couple years of therapy, learned a lot from the experience, and benefited greatly… without going into even the slightest detail about my kinks. So the subject won’t necessarily come up.

But if it does? They can be trusted to prioritize my privacy and authority, and hey, sometimes a girl just wants to talk to someone who isn’t erect when she recounts her trauma, y’know?

Ultimately, a girl’s therapist is no more threatening to me than her dentist. I respect the efforts of competent professionals, but I’ll rattle her jaw if need be.

Idk why but the entirety of this post turned me on

I have a few theories.

All of them have something to do with you being a cunt.