Ever took in older women/moms/wives under your wing?If soWhat’s it like and how’s it…

Ever took in older women/moms/wives under your wing?

If so

What’s it like and how’s it different from those younger wayward glow bugs you praise?



A 40 year old is still a kid in my eyes, so “older women” are just fine.

Moms and wives, however, are another matter. People raising young kids don’t have enough room in their lives for someone like me, and wives have husbands I can’t trust.

And there’s only one Glowbug. Although her ankles are thick enough for two girls, so I can understand the confusion.

I get butterflies every single time 🥹 even if you’re saying something mean. Or is it because you’re saying something mean? I wonder if there’s a meanness level that would cancel out the happy butterflies of being mentioned. Hmmm

Just imagine how it will feel at the end of this sentence, when you realize I’m calling you “Glowbug” in front of everyone.

I’m guessing it’s still butterflies. Only now they’re naked and under a spotlight.

RE: meanness level that cancels out happy

I could show everyone your feet, but that would make them unhappy, too.

Well, except the people who are laughing.



Father says I have rhino skin because I don’t bruise easily but he told me not to worry: it just means he’ll have to hit harder next time

Maybe less “rhino” and more “triceratops”.

I didn’t know this had survived The Purge!

Seriously, her skin is like .01% adamantium, mithryl, and vibranium. The only decent bruises she developed were from my fists and the buckle of her mom’s belt. Everything else? Itty-bitty nothing marks. You could barely tell I’d been there. And I didn’t phone it in… my whipping arm was tired.

I figured out that the key is to just punch her. It sets the right tone, and entertainingly, she drops like a sack of over-educated root vegetables.

Girls always remember the marks you make with your hands.


Light-Hearted Moments

It drives Him nuts that I fall asleep so easily. His reactions span from “go back to sleep, dummy” and “are you fucking kidding me? How do you fall asleep mid-conversation??”

I can’t help that I needs my nappies 🥰

Stay up past 10, grandma.

Or I won’t be able to resist giving you some bludgeonies.

Are you and mr bedtime together?

Are you and mr bedtime together?


if by together, you mean that he owns my heart and soul and i’ll never be the same person i was before him, then yeah (:

Yes, anon, we are together… in the same sense that I am “together” with my pinky toe. Or a mole on my ass cheek. She’s a part of me —one of many such parts— and has no meaningful existence when detached from me.

She is an effect, and I am her cause.



I can’t explain why, but when the camera mic shuts off and I know He’s gone, the world feels a little colder for a minute.

The voice of God is close, and in it’s resonance it bestows forgiveness and purpose.

So the world isn’t colder. You’re just further from it.

Are you looking for a sub right now?

Are you looking for a sub right now?



I’m looking for a congregation.

Let’s put up a tent and save some souls.

Maybe damn a couple. For funsies.

How can we join? …asking for a friend

We gather thrice weekly: those who are mine, those who wish to be, and those who just like listening to me shoot the shit. That’s the best place to start.

If you’re timid, you can just watch the livestream

And when you’re ready, you can join the stream chat

I’ve been off due to health and family issues, but I’m back tonight.