
…….. I mean 🙈


Four days.

I think we’ll have a Hamilton-and-pizza night one night during the Gathering.

And you can cum at the end if you can answer a series of Hamilton trivia questions.

And if you can’t?

Well… maybe you should wait to cum until the 4th of July.


I like this.

I really do.

Is mr b scary irl 🫣

Is mr b scary irl 🫣


hmmmm… yes and no (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞

He flips from utterly terrifying to a snuggly goofy silly lil muffin in 0.0005 seconds

(But he’s usually still at least a bit silly even when he is being terrifying 🤭)

Anon: I’m bemused when people ask about punishments or how scary I am… It’s like they’re missing the forest ‘cause they can’t stop staring at a few spooky trees.

In reality, the scariest thing about me is my disappointment. Seriously, I can beat these bitches for hours and not get much more than the odd squeal… but if I sit with them and firmly explain how they’ve let me down? Bring on the bawling and begging for forgiveness!

Truth is, my fists don’t hit nearly as hard as my frown.

Piggy: Well, I never…!


I would still think you’re the sweetest man, even (and especially) with your hands around my neck ❣️

I prefer smothering you.

I still have a chance to see your eyes get big first with excitement, then fear, then resigned bliss… and I save everyone in the room from having to listen to you try to express your inane “thoughts”, which, let’s face it, all boil down to babbling variations on “thank you Daddy”.



One fateful night a little girl scrolled upon her phone… Her greedy hand working away an already yearning cunt (that would only come to worsen over time…), when she stumbled upon a story… But, this story was different than all the ones that came before it – This one spoke to her. Once she read its words, they began to seep into her brain like saplings – that would one day grow into so much more than she could have ever imagined. She would feel, for the first time in her pathetic little life, a love she’d be chasing for the rest of her days – as well as a man who, many years down the line, would become her entire world. As her fingers sped and as a crescendo became a descent, she unknowingly sealed her fate – and earned herself a debt of orgasms that were never meant to be hers. It was a blip to her within the moment, something she didn’t even give a second thought – surely it was *only* a story, what could the harm be in words? But, words are like magic, dear child, and soon you’ll come to learn – *this* is only the beginning.

I don’t agree with him about many things, but when Alan Moore talks about the unity of magic and symbolic communication, he’s spot-on.


sometimes – if I’m feeling extra needy – I’ll ask permission to use the bathroom

I have no rules surrounding this, but sometimes that mood hits and I don’t want to so much as breathe unless he gives the go-ahead.

Always – always – he says yes. I’ve never been told ‘no’ to this request.

Until now

Give me another edge and I’ll think about it.

…oh 🙈 annnnd my brain chemistry is altered again

Actual MRI of Blossom’s brain: