Hello mr. bedtime, I was wondering if you ever actually read bedtime stories to…

Hello mr. bedtime, I was wondering if you ever actually read bedtime stories to one of your girls? Just curious, as always



(I just noticed this cover image crops out Jennifer Lynch’s name as the author. That sucks.)

And sing lullabies 🥺🥰

You know you’re doing something right if I sing to you.

How did you become friends with 🥺 tips plz



whaaaaat – I don’t wanna answer this uh… presumptuously, cause the way I feel n think about him isn’t … i don’t know if I’m a friend to him, I’m really nothing at all I just – ah. don’t have .. tips, really. Hm. …. hang on actually I’m gonna go check first.

well ok so 👉🏻👈🏻 I dunno about uh. how to become friends or anything I- aw geez I don’t know. I kinda just sent messages for years about how much I adore his writing n stuff and – listen my memory is awful and there’s a solid chunk of time I repressed entirely for other reasons, so I barely remember anything there, but I know I must have been borderline annoying and felt kinda like a whack-a-mole popping up constantly.

I’m the wrong person to ask I think. I dunno if I’m a friend, but to me he’s … the best person I’ve met, and always says the right thing, and listens, and supports, advises, cheerleads, n every now and then says a thing that just settles whatever it is I’m freaking out about – and does it all in a way that makes you blush a lot and forget how to articulate properly. Anyway I love him a lot, and I’m fully aware that I’m nothing special, so I have a note in my notes app full of lil reminders and goals I’m setting for myself to try n even slightly deserve how wonderful he is and 🙃 that’s kinda it. I think he’s the best and try to show that, when I can. I think friends is the wrong word here and that’s what’s giving me troubles – ‘pathetic clingy remora-like speck of dust doing her best to let a Very Important Person know how great he is’ would be more accurate.

As for tips UhHhHhh. He’s actually got a super neat, handy-dandy post i eventually saved and read obsessively and took notes on and dreamed of repeatedly here, and is much more informative and succinct than my embarassing ramble. :))) 🤍🤍🤍

If this isn’t the cutest thing ever, I don’t know what is.


Sometimes I’m confused; I’ll get it into my head that I am owed something here: some proper conversation and for him to take me seriously.

This is when my pride rears her head and angrily stomps her foot, demanding equality and fairness. No matter how much I try, she just won’t give up. I give her credit for her resilience but mainly, I just wish she would learn her place (a thought which she scolds me for and questions where I learned to think so unfeministically).

I dream about days where he destroys her, where he rapes my feminism and strips her of everything she knows and holds so dear. Where he makes her stand, bare and vulnerable and feeling hopeless, relishing it all for just a moment before killing her on the spot, ensuring that she’ll never resurface.

I imagine him purposefully pushing the buttons he knows will cause a stir, and then watching the dominos fall, exactly where he wants them to. She would parade herself out, self-assured and overly confident, attempting to patronize and show up a God, like the idiot she is. But he would be calm and cool, subtle but effective; methodically picking his words, making her slowly begin to question everything until remorse began to hit, and the facade breaks. Until the realization dawns on the fact that the choice is between having my pride or being as good as I can for him and the question becomes: which do I value more?

Gone is pride and all the silly ideals she had and in her wake, there is only him. A God to be worshipped, loved and loyal to, until the end of my days.

Ah, autumn… that season wherein we sit on the sidelines and watch stupid girls slowly abandon their human dignity.



To all the people waiting anxiously for replies:

A family member died of COVID this morning, so I’ve been distracted dealing with that. I’ll try to catch up over the weekend.

But while I’m here and thinking about it: if you’re unvaccinated and you’re eligible, then get vaccinated. Immediately.

If it helps, do it ‘cause I said so.

Fuck that keep your bullshit to yourself cuz I said to.We ain’t here to talk about covid dumass

I don’t speak sub-literate, over-compensating dipshitese, but from what I can make out, it’s trying to say “I wish more people would block me. I really love being blocked. Pretty please, sir, may I have another?”

To which I say: sure thing, lil’ fella.

favourite sweet treat?


Ooo I really love those Chessman cookies, they’re very delicious and perfect for dipping in tea! Other than that, I like kit kats and alllll fruit, especially strawberries 🍓

I always get these anons asking if there’s a non-sexual way to tell a girl’s submissive.

Well, see above.

‘Cause if she reaches into a full Pepperidge Farm assortment and pulls out the shittiest, most pathetic cookie in the box, she’s submissive.