

Faith In Absence

You ache for me without knowing me. My touch is a dream that keeps you awake. Your tongue has never tasted my name, and yet it sings to me in adoration. It feels like madness, this frightful longing that consumes you.

But bear something in mind. A girl leaving an offering of flowers at an ancient temple didn’t do so in hope of seeing the gods; she hoped to make the gods see her. She didn’t need proof the gods existed because she could feel them move within her. She didn’t need to behold the throne to know that she was ruled.

You are her daughter, and I am your sun.

Writing a thinkpiece on the movie Possession and I spent like twenty minutes trying to remember where I’d heard the whole second paragraph here before remembering, oh, it was here, and I can definitely never ever quote it or even acknowledge my knowledge of its existence.

And such is my lot in life: laboring in obscurity as The Unquotably Quotable Man. 😄