

what’s a sexy way to ask someone if they want to see your tits

he’s NICE and i’m trying to be resPECTful but it’s HARD

Hm. How about…

“Hi! I’m a hapless mess, but I’d feel really validated if you wanted to look at my tits. In addition, I would kind of glow the rest of the day if you said you liked them.”

I mean, that would sound sexy to me.

Number 1 pet peeve with random online interactions?




That men think I want them to talk sexual with me because I have a sexual blog. It makes me so uncomfortable.

Or when they start asking super invasive questions right off the bat like “How hard have you been fucked?” or something like that.

Yes I have a sex based blog, but I’m still a fucking person with feelings.

Careful how you word it, maybe you should say when some men do that shit because by wording it like that you’re being sexist, I don’t do that and infact women do that to me and I’m a nobody barely anyone pays attention to my blog so imagine the bigger male blogs but we all assume it’s okay because I’m a guy right? That’s also sexist for a “community” That’s supposed to be accepting of all types of people y’all really talk mad shit about men constantly I hope at least one person gets to see this and actually consumes the thought.

I know she probably wasn’t calling out all men but alot of people do and it’s becoming tiring to see

Give me a like if you read all of this I’m curious

Can someone with more energy than me please explain to this gentleman all the reasons why this response is bullshit.

A disingenuous dickhole tried to derail a woman who had the temerity to talk about her life experience.

What’s to explain? He knows what he did.


hmm just walked across the street w/ a beer 2 talk 2 my neighbour when i realised i didn’t have a bottle opener & proceeding 2 crack it open w/ my teeth before my neighbour pointed out i had 3 bottle openers (& 2 mini lipglosses) on my keys. why does anybody listen 2 anything i say here? is it my strong teeth

Everything about this is perfect.








How do I explain to my family that Brie Larson can hip thrust 400lbs without making it sound like the gayest fact I’ve ever learnt



I can hip thrust 250lbs, does that make me 60% as cool as Brie Larson?

I’ll say this much: watching you do 250 is far more impressive than her 400, simply because she looks like a grown woman lifting weights, and you look like a precocious 8 year old making miracles happen.

Why does that feel like a compliment

  1. Because it’s a compliment.
  2. Because all weird little girls want to be miracle babies.
  3. Because I’m just so damned sweet.






How do I explain to my family that Brie Larson can hip thrust 400lbs without making it sound like the gayest fact I’ve ever learnt



I can hip thrust 250lbs, does that make me 60% as cool as Brie Larson?

I’ll say this much: watching you do 250 is far more impressive than her 400, simply because she looks like a grown woman lifting weights, and you look like a precocious 8 year old making miracles happen.




I might move to an apartment that BG owns and I’m not gonna lie I’ve thought a lot about 24/7 surveillance and getting surprised by a cock ramming into me in the middle of the night 💁🏻‍♀️

Among the stuff I’ve learned over the last year: 24/7 surveillance is one of my favorite things.

Radical transparency: all the best girls are into it.

My fantasies always get like 10x hotter once they have the bedtimestoriesforbrokengirls stamp of approval ✅

The best part is when you’ve been surveilling them for a long time —tracking them via GPS, monitoring their communication, watching them on cameras— and they slowly but surely get comfortable with it and just… forget. It becomes normal and natural and slips their minds.

So that when I suddenly remind them —by asking how the food is at a restaurant they didn’t mention they were visiting, by scolding them for spending money on Amazon they didn’t admit to spending, by suddenly announcing over the camera’s speaker that its time to drop the box of cookies, have a glass of water, and go to bed— they instantly feel small and exposed.

Some girls just don’t feel real until they feel seen.

Y’know… Schroedinger’s cunts.


I might move to an apartment that BG owns and I’m not gonna lie I’ve thought a lot about 24/7 surveillance and getting surprised by a cock ramming into me in the middle of the night 💁🏻‍♀️

Among the stuff I’ve learned over the last year: 24/7 surveillance is one of my favorite things.

Radical transparency: all the best girls are into it.

My Fetishes?



Millennial girls who don’t know how to read analog clocks.

Actually, a Gen-X girl who couldn’t read an analog clock might be even hotter, but what are the chances someone that stupid lived into her forties?

whats an analog clock? O_O (is 27) what generation does that make me? this post confuses me so much 

As for what generation today’s 27 year olds represent, that’s tough to say… aside from the Boomers —who are a fairly well-defined group— most of this stuff is kinda arbitrary, and plucked from the asses of sociologists, statisticians, and think-piece writers.

With that said, the vague consensus seems to be that the youngest GenY/Millennial people are in their mid-twenties, and the oldest are in their very late thirties.