


Pt II 🌸

Well, I suppose the tits do improve matters a bit. The owls are awfully on-the-nose, though.

Oh, and by the way… is there a specific form or duration of attention you’re seeking? Or is this just you being generally slutty? I approve either way, but you know me: I like to understand things.

Like you care what ‘specific form of attention’ I’d like. If I said I’d like you to be nice to me, you’d just laugh and laugh ☹️

Caring and understanding aren’t the same thing; you know that, dingbat. There are all kinds of things about you that I can understand and yet not care about at all.

And I wouldn’t laugh. Well, okay, I’d laugh… but then I’d be nice as requested. Nice enough for you to become concerned. Nice enough for you to wonder what I’m up to. Nice enough for you to dread what’s coming.

‘Cause kindness costs.





This is one of those rare instances where the photo says it all

Men explaining things to me is my kink

In a patronizing way, like I’m a dumb child who can’t understand the most basic of concepts

Hey, you. Yeah, you! Over here! No, seriously, come— oh, come on. Really?

[rummages through coat pocket]

Over here! Come here, dummy… follow the jingling keys! That’s right, ya distracted little nitwit. C’mere. Jesus, finally!

Now, I know you’re… well, I believe your family’s euphemism is “easily tasked.” And we should all just be thrilled that you manage to stay alive in a world full of men with big keyrings and dark intentions. Hoping for you to communicate seamlessly with people whose emotional landscapes are larger than a playground is probably aiming a bit high, and I try to always bear that in mind.

But we put periods at the end of our sentences in this house, young lady! How else do we know when you’ve finally run out of stupid?


Playin a fun game of Get Flagged Chicken, otherwise affectionately known as What About Female-Presenting Underboob 🙂

Quit denying people the good stuff. Roll up those sweats and give the crowd what it paid to see.

C’mon, freakshow. You know people wanna look. You’re like a centaur, only with a cute female torso perched atop a couple of tree stumps with absurdly small root systems.

Hm. Okay, so maybe not so much a centaur. But something, y’know… mixed. Like a little bit “ooooo” and a little bit “ewwww”? Does that make sense?

Yes, of course it does.



A Lie Agreed Upon

I pretend that I push girls to watch Deadwood because it’s the best-written show to ever grace television, and because Al’s relationship with his girls is fucked-up and hot.

But really, I just want to be able to call them “hoopleheads” and have them understand they’re being insulted.

I will admit I watched this show after you mentioned it

I love sharing my favorite things with the world.

Except girls. Those I don’t care to share.

Well, not without reasonable compensation…







Short Stories

“When did your ankles get thick?” he asked.

She frowned.

“I— all I said was ‘good morning’…”

He placed his coffee cup on the counter.

“Really? I wasn’t listening.”

This makes me so sad EVERY time I see it, without fail.

Aw, you poor little pile of nonsense! Allow me to cheer you up with a fairy tale.

the kind prince: Ngh.

the nothing girl: Ow!

tkp: Ngh!

tng: Owowowow!

tkp: Okay, whose bright fucking idea was it to try and put boots on this bitch?

tng: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!

tkp: Fuck it, someone go find a slipper.

why are the boots painful for her?

I can answer this two ways.

The nice way: because she’s quite a sturdy girl.

The ouchy way: because she’s got cankles like smokestacks. Try putting boots on a pair of bridge pylons and see how it works out for ya.

Neither of those ways are nice ways. In fact, nothing about this post is nice. Fyi 😒

I disagree. This post is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s like a boomerang made of joy. It makes me laugh every time I see it. It is the very essence of nice.

You just need to try harder to appreciate it, that’s all.