

Short Stories

“When did your ankles get thick?” he asked.

She frowned.

“I— all I said was ‘good morning’…”

He placed his coffee cup on the counter.

“Really? I wasn’t listening.”

This makes me so sad EVERY time I see it, without fail.

Aw, you poor little pile of nonsense! Allow me to cheer you up with a fairy tale.

the kind prince: Ngh.

the nothing girl: Ow!

tkp: Ngh!

tng: Owowowow!

tkp: Okay, whose bright fucking idea was it to try and put boots on this bitch?

tng: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!

tkp: Fuck it, someone go find a slipper.



Fun Date Idea

Let’s role play.

You’ll be a pointless piece of discarded fluff that floats around on stale currents of nothingness, periodically stirred up and stepped upon, destined to settle like all insubstantial, inconsequential things to the very lowest point.

And I’ll be a Roomba.

But will you scream when you approach a possible cliff? Because if so, I can’t be bothered with that.

It’s role play. I can stop being a Roomba.

Too bad about you, though.