Feedback Loops

Feedback Loops




Boys don’t like me because I’d rather flirt with their fathers than them

bet the fathers like you. I know I would. Flirt with me, or better yet, have sex with me, I’m father age.

I would make fun of you for your poorly worded attempt of trying to harass me, but I cannot get over the fact that your url is oldnakedguy and therefore I do not think I have to make fun of you at all

Someone needs to.

“Have sex with me, I’m father age.”

Jesus Christ, that’s just spectacular.

  • Have sex with me, I’m underwater on my mortgage.
  • Have sex with me, my prostate is huge.
  • Have sex with me, my nose hair is out of control.


My problem is that I fall in love with words, rather than actions. I fall in love with ideas and thoughts, instead of reality. And it will be the death of me.

Unknown (via punksnouis)

Every man who has ever fancied himself a writer owes his entire sexual history to this trait in women.

Before you know it it’s 3 am and you’re 80 years old and you can’t remember what it was like to have 20 year old thoughts or a 10 year old heart.

This is the scariest fucking text post I’ve ever read (via fuckinq)

If it’s any consolation, most of your 20 year old thoughts will turn out to be incredibly stupid and best forgotten… but the few important ones will stick around as long as you need them.


There is nothing sadder than having to tell a man to hit you harder 🙁

My first time hitting a woman (in that far away land called “the early ‘90s”) she had to tell me to go harder, and it literally killed the relationship. She loved me, but just couldn’t settle for a guy who she had to coax into treating her like a woman. I was crushed, but in retrospect, I don’t blame her at all.

It was a lesson I only needed to learn once.