The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jun 6, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jun 5, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jun 4, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jun 2, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jun 1, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for May 27, 2023:

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for May 25, 2023:

Tina Turner — 1939-2023

Wow, it’s been a rough few days in cultureland. Eighty-three isn’t a bad time to go —most rock stars of her caliber didn’t make it that far— but I’m still sad.

I was too young to have experienced Tina at the start, but I was at just the right age for her ‘80s Renaissance. “What’s Love Got To Do With It” ruled the airwaves, and I walked around humming “Private Dancer” —a song that would later be referenced on Scrubs via a character of the same name— all the time. And even though the song was mediocre — “all we want is life beyoooooond… the Thunderdome!”— she was the best part of Mad Max 3.

I know everyone’s gonna be saying it, but I don’t give a fuck, ‘cause it’s true.

Rest well, badass lady.

The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for May 24, 2023:

  • Puritanism took over online fandom — and then came for the rest of the internet — There’s been a lot of hand-wringing in the press lately over the supposed self-righteous self-neutering of Gen Z, but I call bullshit. First, ‘cause I’ve got plenty of personal evidence suggesting that Z is as kinky as any other generation. Second, because we all need to stop letting the worst people in every room suck all the oxygen from it… left-leaning, sex-repulsed cryptofemcels don’t represent their generation any more than right-skewing, empathy-deficient members of the He-Man Woman Haters Club. Here’s an idea: maybe Gen Z wants all the same wild, weird fucking that people have always wanted, but they think it might be cool if a little more thought went into it now and then? Maybe they’re kids, and are still figuring their shit out? Maybe the rest of us should ease up and stop panicking every time they fumble around a bit? Just a thought.
  • Woman with untreated TB still on the lam three months after arrest warrant — This bitch is still roaming loose?
  • After 40 years, Marvel is finally reprinting Rom: Space Knight — I had that #1, once upon a time. But I don’t remember it nearly as fondly as many of my contemporaries do.