Love is among my favorite things in the world. But only because I decided long ago that it isn’t a synonym for happiness; it’s a cause, not a feeling. It’s an irrational, transcendental thing I can believe in; it’s something like a religion to me, only with sexier inquisitions and a smaller body count.

Cranky Old Man Shit: #MeToo

I’ve written at least a couple dozen variations of this post over the last few months, but it was Quentin and Uma that finally made it all click for me. I tried with Louis, and Aziz got me close, but their cases were too messy. I needed something clear to work from. And this is it.

Here’s the thing, gentlemen:

It’s okay to be a creative genius who pushes the boundaries of his collaborators. Similarly, it’s okay to be a dominant man who pushes the limits of his women. It isn’t necessarily good, but it’s not inherently awful, either.

I mean, if you’re That Guy, and you surround yourself with the right people, the results can be amazing. Having a worthy woman submit herself to your vision is pretty much the ultimate destination of the conventional masculine journey, and it’s a fortunate guy who reaches it when he’s still young enough to enjoy it.

But using women –leveraging their trust in your intentions and your talents for the furtherance of your goals– and putting them through the physical or emotional wringer comes with two ironclad fucking requirements. The first is that they buy in; that you show them you’re actually special enough to make all of your bullshit worthwhile.

The second is that when you fuck up –and you will fuck up, because the limits you’re pushing exist for a reason, and you’re kind of an asshole– you must acknowledge it. Right there, on the set or in the bed. No equivocation, and no redirection. “I fucked up.” Say it, every time. And if it comes up later, say it again.

You don’t need to bury the lede in a monsoon of apologies; “I’m sorry” doesn’t mean much, honestly. What she needs to know is that you’re both working from the same set of facts: a wrong thing happened, and you made it happen. Everything else is emotional window dressing.

Because –and I know this goes against everything you’ve been told– most women are very reasonable people. They put up with an enormous amount of shit with surprising grace, and whether you believe it’s due to social conditioning or physiological imperative, their instinct is to look for ways to get and/or move along. They just need you to help, by giving a shit about the impact your mistakes have on them.

Yeah, I know it sucks to render yourself vulnerable and admit your occasional fallibility, but it’s the scaffolding she needs to help her off the ground and back to work. And it’s the gut-check you need to remind yourself that you’re not half the god she thinks you are.

Cranky Old Man Shit: Deep Fakes

From Motherboard, regarding r/deepfakes and the intersection of neural networks, data-rich social media silos, and men who are at best vaguely aware that women are people:

“An incredibly easy-to-use application for DIY fake videos—of sex and revenge porn, but also political speeches and whatever else you want—that moves and improves at this pace could have society-changing impacts in the ways we consume media. The combination of powerful, open-source neural network research, our rapidly eroding ability to discern truth from fake news, and the way we spread news through social media has set us up for serious consequences.”

What this means to you:

It’s probably time to stop shaming girls for their nude selfies and warning them that they’re gonna ruin their lives; if the men of today want a girl’s life ruined, her participation is entirely superfluous. An even slightly motivated asshole can now turn the primmest of young ladies into abject sluts with little more than a good GPU and a persistent erection.

Or put another way: that bitter, bowl-cut douchebag you dumped in the 11th grade and haven’t thought about in five years has enough data from your Instagram feed to convincingly insert you into a clip named dogrape.mp4 and share it with everyone you know. (Congratulations on being a woman!)

And because it’s still early days, the focus is currently on civilian faces projected on to sex worker bodies. That will change. As the tech improves and can better compensate for the grain and shitty lighting found in the average homemade porn, your vindictive soon-to-be ex-husband will be “working late at the office” while inserting your sister into that video he shot of you getting your ass railed on your honeymoon, and then spreading it around Tumblr. Your body will become a canvas upon which he’ll paint your entire family’s public humiliation.

Also, truth is dead.

Pillow Talk

You’re educated, but kind of stupid. You’re grown, but an infantile mess. You’re overflowing with the future, and yet studiously fixated on an ever-shrinking sliver of the past. The only truly volitional, defining acts of your life have been your squandering of opportunities and refusal of responsibilities. You’re a laughable sham of an adult, a makeshift assemblage of ruinous instincts, warped ideas, and recursive anxieties that somehow looks fetching in a skirt.

But sure, I guess I love you. Why do you ask?