I was a huge fan of Deadwood. When I found you, without even noticing your profile photo, I read your posts in his voice. Did you hear a Deadwood movie is in production? I was thrilled to hear it but I couldn’t tell if I was excited for the real Al Swearengen, or to hear you channeled through him.

Most important part first: yes, I did indeed hear the Deadwood movie is in production. (I hope to God they’re in the editing suite by now.) I’ve been waiting on the fucking thing for ten years, so my moribund-franchise-excitement level is somewhere between 2005’s “good for Joss, I look forward to Serenity” and 2017’s “sweet Jesus, Showtime just wrote David Lynch a blank check!”

(Side note: I still haven’t finished season 3 of Twin Peaks. It’s as if I’m holding on to that final stretch of episodes like the last piece of a wedding cake… they’re tucked away in the freezer, awaiting a special occasion to be thawed and devoured.)

Only the die-hards around here remember that Ian McShane wasn’t my original choice for an avatar.. from 2013-14, it was Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) from Reservoir Dogs. Which I personally found both handy and hilarious, since he kind of fit with the more brutal tone of my early Tumblr stuff, and also because it was so not me. He had to go when I decided to take my writing in another direction, but there were a few people who really missed him when I switched to Al.

More trivia: if it weren’t such an obscure film, I would have gone with Madsen’s character in Kill Me Again instead of Mr. Blonde.

Oh… and thank you for the kind words, sweet person.

I saw this tagged “worst couple”. Nonsense. This marks the second time in a few days that I’ve heard this outrageous claim.

Dean was an idiot, yes. A doofus at best. Bland and unsuited for Rory as more than a first crush.

But anything was better than Jess. To this day, I hate Milo Ventilatte for bringing that slimy little prick to life. I almost hate Sherilyn Fenn for playing his mom. I hated Jess more than I hated Chris, and I hated Chris a lot.

Granted, no one was good enough for Rory… but still. You Dean haters are nuts.

Baby Driver is among a subset of movies so striking that I re-watched them almost immediately. The others?

  • Branagh’s Henry V
  • Branagh’s Dead Again (I had a fanboy period.)
  • Forrest Gump (You deepfake kids are never going to understand why FG’s quiet use of visual effects —from the feather to all the doctored historical footage— seemed so miraculous.)
  • Seven (Because damn that was pretty.)
  • Infinity War (Because damn that was… I’m not sure, but there was a lot of it.)
  • The Congress (Which deserves a #brokengirlfilmacademy post of its own, because Robin Wright’s self-eviscerating, masochistic performance is one of my favorite things of all time.)
  • Desperado (Because Robert Rodriguez can’t craft a plot to save his life, but goddamn that opening sequence was dazzling.)
  • Magnolia (For all the Aimee Mann songs and the only useful Tom Cruise performance since Born On The Fourth Of July.)
  • Shutter Island (It’s a lesser Scorsese, but a better DiCaprio, and I wanted to watch it again to see if it really earned its ending.)
  • A Fish Called Wanda (Because of fucking Kevin Kline at his absolute Kevin Kline-iest. And Michael P-p-p-p… Palin.)

I’m sure there’s more, but those are the ones off the top of my head.

Compliance (2012)

No one in this corner of Tumblr shows enough love for Compliance. Granted, it doesn’t have graphic sexual violence like, say, Irreversible, but as the story of an evil man who rapes a girl without ever touching her, it should be a Must Watch in the deviant weirdo community.

And if you happen to enjoy slow-boiling psychological thrillers that suggest humanity is a lost cause and we’re all one phone call away from being the worst possible versions of ourselves, then maybe it’ll moisten your brain-vagina, too.

The fact that you even referenced “Spring Breakers” got me wet 😘

I can’t claim to be a Harmony Korine fan because I haven’t seen Gummo or Trash Humpers, but I was in awe of Kids back in the day, and fucking Spring Breakers was a dizzying, nonsensical pile of sexy goodness wrapped around a balls-out, “we don’t say ‘no’ to the biggest name in the credits” performance from James Franco.

It wasn’t great, but it was fun while it lasted.



On a scale of 1-10, is it wrong up that I have severely romanticized the relationship between Al and Trixie and now want a relationship like that?

Okay I say this but then I remember the sad girl he replaces her with and I mean, she’s just fucking golden

Let me help you decide which you are.

Trixie is Al’s soft right hand, the carrot he applies when sticks are inappropriate. She’s his subservient partner-in-crime. She takes his beatings, longs for his affection, and ultimately does as she’s told, but juggles her own priorities while doing it. Because she’s not just a punching bag; in her own, weird way, Trixie wants to be Al. To think the way he does. To see the world through his eyes. To so casually understand things that she normally struggles to comprehend. Al’s her mentor and role model; he doesn’t posess her so much as steer her. (Trixie‘s momentum is her own.)

Dolly is a series of holes to Al; she’s a pitiful, stupid little cunt with a soft mouth, patient ears, and little else to recommend her. She’s noisy when she should be quiet, fast when she should be slow, and vacant where she should be full. She’s a sad little cow whose eyes suggest tears even when they’re not falling. She’s absolutely nothing, but that’s okay, because she’s a nothing that has a place, and that’s good enough for her.

Aside from being whores, they don’t have much in common.