Twin Peaks: The Return

Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
“Fire… walk with me.”

It’s happening again. You people have no idea how happy this makes me… I’m considering changing my avatar to Leland Palmer.

I wonder if there’s any chance I can find my 20+ year old copy of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer. (Speaking of which, what happened to Jennifer Lynch? Boxing Helena wasn’t that bad.)

Cranky Old Man Shit #3

If you don’t know who U2 is*, first, unfollow me because you’re an infant. But if you’re still here… you have horrible, awful, neglectful parents who hate you. Please go find someone who can explain to you that the world existed before 1996.

*You don’t have to like them… I haven’t liked anything they’ve done in the last decade. But not knowing they exist is an unacceptable level of stupid.

Everything wrong with The Following…

This sums up everything that’s wrong with the TV show The Following

First, they have a houseful of deranged sociopaths, and yet everyone is having consensual sex. Second, they have a whole subplot built around a cult member who hasn’t popped his kill cherry, and no one ever thinks to offer him a plastic bag and a few zip ties just to make the first time easier.