Have you ever been with a black girl? I dont see you post any

Have you ever been with a black girl? I dont see you post any.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I had four fingers in a black girl last summer. Spit in her face, too. She licked my precum off her palm.

Later in the year, I pinched her nose shut and clamped my hand over her mouth and watched her eyes widen while the tears started to well.… Read the rest “Have you ever been with a black girl? I dont see you post any”

Do you like salsa? What kind is your favorite?

Do you like salsa? What kind is your favorite?

I do indeed like salsa.

As for a favorite? I like that kinda watery tomato salsa you get at hole-in-the-wall Mexican places —as opposed to the thick, smoothie-textured stuff you get from Tex-Mex— and I love a nice pineapple/onion/cilantro salsa on jerk chicken.… Read the rest “Do you like salsa? What kind is your favorite?”

idk what youve done in my head again, but its like im 19 again…

idk what youve done in my head again, but its like im 19 again avoiding college essays obsessing over your account again but no college essays to avoid just life stress now

(submitted by: Anonymous)

One of the strangest things about having a ten year old blog is that some of you have spent your entire young adulthood with me.… Read the rest “idk what youve done in my head again, but its like im 19 again…”

hiii Mr. Bi’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to…

hiii Mr. B

i’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to start watching it and i’ve finished the first episode. i really like it so far and i just wanted to tell you ☺️ and also say thank you because i probably wouldn’t have known about it without you <3

(submitted by: Anonymous)

There aren’t a lot of ‘80s shows —and despite premiering in April of 1990, Twin Peaks is the ultimate evolution of ‘80s television— that are evergreen.… Read the rest “hiii Mr. Bi’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to…”

Don’t you have girls that use baby bottles and pacifiers? Is that all that…

Don’t you have girls that use baby bottles and pacifiers? Is that all that far from the ABDL kink?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Depends on your perspective. I mean, Blossom has a paci and a sippy cup and giant baby head, but she’s not a baby.… Read the rest “Don’t you have girls that use baby bottles and pacifiers? Is that all that…”