The New Mutants


So, wait… that is the Marvel movie that Fox re-shot and buried for a year? Say what now?

The New Mutants is far from great; the casting is flawed in places, they tried to stir a couple incongruous romances into the mix, two-fifths of the cast are superheroically superfluous, and it’s probably impossible to really know what’s happening if you’re not watching it with a moldering old man who bought the first 75 issues of the comic off a spinner rack in the ‘80s.… Read the rest “The New Mutants”

44. fuck/marry/kill: (anons name 3 people of your choice) @bs4bg @misszoee @notsominnesnowtanice 😋 to name a few people you seem to interact with in a friendly way


anonnnnnnn omg shuuuuut the fuck up I can’t answer this holy crap I can’t choose

like… oh gosh I can’t even type these out without blushing and sweating but .. ok, GUN TO MY HEAD?

I pick fuck (that sounds so crass and icky in this context omg) @misszoee and @bedtimestoriesforbrokengirls not that in any way shape or form in any scenario involving one of them I imagine up I’d be the one doing the bulk of the fucking ahem anyway but yes moving on

and marry either dad @notsominnesnowtanice (it won’t let me tag u stinky) or @misszoee

Like they’re all hot n i have a crush on the formers and also friend crushes on the latters and I think that marrying a pal would be fun and geeky and just amicable good times yenno – and I wouldn’t kill ANY OF THEM THATS SO EVIL gahhh stop that

so I’m totally cheating and not answering this properly but I’m blushing ok goodnight

I knew that’s all I was to you!… Read the rest “44. fuck/marry/kill: (anons name 3 people of your choice) @bs4bg @misszoee @notsominnesnowtanice 😋 to name a few people you seem to interact with in a friendly way”

What should I do if my girlfriend’s father is beating her? He beats her up very badly and uses very bad language.

First, for God’s sake, seek the input of someone more qualified than a creepy, transgressive writer on Tumblr. You’ve got a major problem that will require a carefully considered solution, hopefully crafted by someone experienced in navigating the complexities of a family in crisis.… Read the rest “What should I do if my girlfriend’s father is beating her? He beats her up very badly and uses very bad language.”

Please pretty please write a story where a girl is tied up and left to be used by whoever or something

Girl exhaled like an animal when it realizes the trap has been sprung, or like an old woman giving up the ghost. Whatshisname grunted in satisfaction, noting that exhalation was now the only movement his handiwork allowed. He stood and looked —first east and then west— down the track.… Read the rest “Please pretty please write a story where a girl is tied up and left to be used by whoever or something”

I’m 19 yo, a virgin, never even kissed someone properly. Have a normal life, a great childhood, caring parents and was never abused. So why do I get wet with every single mean thing you post???

  1. Because even a 19 year old virgin can intuit her place.
  2. Because tall parents can raise short children, and good parents can raise broken little sluts.
  3. Because your cunt does your thinking and that’s not going to change.
  4. Because you want to be a good girl.
Read the rest “I’m 19 yo, a virgin, never even kissed someone properly. Have a normal life, a great childhood, caring parents and was never abused. So why do I get wet with every single mean thing you post???”

I was kind of bored by the first 30 minutes of Hamilton. The music wasn’t catchy, LMM is a weirdly limited singer, and I was settling in, ready to complain about the hype.

Then there’s King George, the wedding, the rewind, the transcendentally talented girls start doing their thing, the turntable bullet-time kicks in… and eventually, that little nerd with the limited voice made me cry twice.… Read the rest “”

How do you decide which stories to repost, and when?

Minimal thought is put into it. I try not to reblog individual pieces more than once every four months or so, but I don’t worry about where they sit in the queue.

With that said, I often rely on binge-reading newbies and spelunking Bedtimologists to surface forgotten things from my archive via my activity feed, so you may occasionally, accidentally influence what I post on any given day.… Read the rest “How do you decide which stories to repost, and when?”

i’m curious…what are your thoughts on tiktok, mister?

I haven’t had any. The last time I looked at it, it was still, and my eyes glazed over quickly. But to answer this question, I installed the app and went exploring for about 45 minutes. And I have the following thoughts:

  • TikTok’s better than Vine was… six seconds isn’t enough.
Read the rest “i’m curious…what are your thoughts on tiktok, mister?”