Hello! I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask but I don’t…

Hello! I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask but I don’t know who else to ask… I’ve been looking for a man for a long time now and can’t find one. It seems like the only men in my area that are into the same things I’m into are horribly cruel, and NOT in a good way.

Read the rest “Hello! I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask but I don’t…”

I’m assuming you’ve attracted every broken girl in the northern hemisphere, but do you…

I’m assuming you’ve attracted every broken girl in the northern hemisphere, but do you have any male friends you’ve made in kink spaces? Or do you tend to avoid that?


For the record, I’m moving into the southern hemisphere now.

Read the rest “I’m assuming you’ve attracted every broken girl in the northern hemisphere, but do you…”

I recently rewatched Hamilton because you posted about it and it left me wondering…

I recently rewatched Hamilton because you posted about it and it left me wondering about your opinion on the women of the play. Could you rate them from least to most fuckable and explain why?

Okay, least to most:

  • Mrs. Reynolds: ‘cause she’s a fake little bitch who probably had syphilis or something
  • Angelica: she’s the most talented, but she didn’t push that whole “harem” thing hard enough
  • Eliza: a pretty baby, a bit uptight… but loyal as fuck
  • The Bullet: …she was the best part of West Side Story, too
  • And Peggy: Anxious and ignored, while coincidentally looking just like that whore Mrs.
Read the rest “I recently rewatched Hamilton because you posted about it and it left me wondering…”

when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it…

when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it has or that you’d one day control the lives of many, have global reach, be the overlord of multiple living breathing human beings, and the founder of a cult-lite made up of who knows how many dedicated and adoring fans, all who found you through a shitty blogging website?

Read the rest “when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it…”

I have just spent two hours just reading your blog, and I’ve come to…

I have just spent two hours just reading your blog, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am really into it. Unfortunately reading how shy girls are not something you particularly find interesting, it’s got me thinking that if I want it I need to really go get it; but the fear holds me back; more so because of my body..

Read the rest “I have just spent two hours just reading your blog, and I’ve come to…”