You totally put me to sleep with that song you played for “all the…

You totally put me to sleep with that song you played for “all the sleepy people” last night

(submitted by: Anonymous)

You’re welcome. Although “last night” was actually last week.

This week, I introduced everyone to Kenny Loggins’ Return to Pooh Corner.… Read the rest “You totally put me to sleep with that song you played for “all the…”

Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for…

Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for check-ins as part of our dynamic. Any tips or recommendations?


(submitted by: Anonymous)

Ah, something about which I have a few thoughts! I’ve used Wyze cameras for years, but have recently switched to Eufy.

Read the rest “Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for…”

I have weird feelings for you. Feelings i don’t totally understand. I dont call…

I have weird feelings for you. Feelings i don’t totally understand.

I dont call men i dont know daddy because it just means too much to me emotionally. And honestly, even if i did, you dont really feel like daddy.

But i jump at the chance to “interact” with you.… Read the rest “I have weird feelings for you. Feelings i don’t totally understand. I dont call…”

Fangirling cause you liked one of my reblogged post on my blog. Totally do…

Fangirling cause you liked one of my reblogged post on my blog. Totally do not have my heart in my throat right now.

(submitted by: anonymityiskeysposts)

And now you’ve had an ask posted! What’s next, a reblog? Where does this sick shit stop?… Read the rest “Fangirling cause you liked one of my reblogged post on my blog. Totally do…”

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

(submitted by: m1nd0fm1ne)

Older men don’t comprise a monolithic hive-mind. I know this corner of Kinkville loves talking about people as if they all slot into convenient, easily described groups —all small, weak girls are X, all big, strong men are Y!—… Read the rest “how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally”

of course you’re tall. tall guys are so hot. i’m 5’1″ so i really…

of course you’re tall. tall guys are so hot. i’m 5’1″ so i really like the size difference. not sure why just do

I don’t consider myself “tall”. Tall people are 6’3”+… I’m just a full-grown man.

I’m tall enough to see over crowds, not tall enough to dunk.… Read the rest “of course you’re tall. tall guys are so hot. i’m 5’1″ so i really…”

Does your partner have to be shorter or taller than you?

Does your partner have to be shorter or taller than you?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

Shorter. I prefer them to be runts— er, that is, delicate fairies, but I’m more interested in the entirety of the package and what kind of fucked up, broken Lilliputian lives inside her.

Read the rest “Does your partner have to be shorter or taller than you?”

Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for…

Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for check-ins as part of our dynamic. Any tips or recommendations?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Ah, something about which I have a few thoughts! I’ve used Wyze cameras for years, but have recently switched to Eufy.… Read the rest “Mr Bedtime, my Master wants to install a wifi cam in my bedroom for…”