I hate being a young Dom. I feel like it’s so shameful to be so inexperienced.

Cut yourself some slack… if you’re transparent about it, there’s nothing shameful about being young and inexperienced. Where you begin is nothing compared to where you end up.

I was twenty-three when I found an online community of kinky people. I was the youngest person in the group for a while —the others ranged from mid-30s to early 70s— and I remained the youngest guy for several years after that.… Read the rest “I hate being a young Dom. I feel like it’s so shameful to be so inexperienced.”

Speaking of Keri Russell 😍… Have you watched “The Americans”?

Are you kidding? It’s a show about Soviet sleeper agents, one of whom specializes in seducing women, making them fall in love, and convincing them to make the biggest mistakes of their lives.

I’ve watched every single minute. And unlike many of the prestige shows of the last decade, it didn’t fall apart at the end… The Americans is consistently excellent from start to finish, dramatically increased my respect for Keri Russell as an actor, and turned Matthew Rhys into a new favorite.… Read the rest “Speaking of Keri Russell 😍… Have you watched “The Americans”?”

You watched the Friends reunion? Thoughts?

Not many… aside from the Aniston/Schwimmer revelation, there wasn’t much there that wasn’t already well-known. That I more-or-less enjoyed it anyway demonstrates the cultural gravity that Friends had for my generation… we were all sucked in for life.

So the reunion itself was mostly just a reminder…

  • …that Friends wasn’t a brilliantly written show… the well-cast actors did most of the heavy lifting, turning mundane material into frothy magic.
Read the rest “You watched the Friends reunion? Thoughts?”

thoughts on hairy vagina? do you consider not shaving/waxing a big no?

I’m not automatically opposed to answering the same basic question a number of times… I’ve often got more to say, after all. But this comes up a lot —including a week ago— and there’s only so many ways to express “if you want my attention, everything below the nose has gotta go”.… Read the rest “thoughts on hairy vagina? do you consider not shaving/waxing a big no?”

Do you think it’s acceptable for a guy to ask his submissive gf to alter her physical appearance to better suit him?

Not something small such as a type of heel or lingerie. More along the lines of cutting her hair or losing a specific amount of weight?

Is it acceptable? Absolutely. You know what else is acceptable? Telling him “fuck no” and bolting.… Read the rest “Do you think it’s acceptable for a guy to ask his submissive gf to alter her physical appearance to better suit him?”

Ally Sheedy

It feels unfair that I never give Ally Sheedy credit for being a part of many of the movies I loved as a kid. Perhaps it’s because she was seldom the centerpiece in a cast, or perhaps because I wouldn’t start appreciating her look for another ten years… whatever the case, I seldom think about her, and when I do, it’s solely related to The Breakfast Club.… Read the rest “Ally Sheedy”