The Real World Homecoming

So MTV has semi-accidentally made Important Television in the 21st century. I did not see that coming.

Just as the original 1992 installment should have been an escapist trifle about cute twentysomethings sharing a New York loft and fighting over who’s not doing dishes, the 2021 show should have been a relatively sedate circle-jerk of fiftysomethings —my generation is looking old as fuck, y’all— congratulating themselves for being pioneers and showing off their various personal achievements. … Read the rest “The Real World Homecoming”

Artful Dodger

I love that even with every taut muscle in her body focused on trying to accommodate the cock that is invading her throat… even with her mindless stare locked with the camera’s gaze, the faceless eye of all those thousands of men quietly ejaculating at the sight of her debasement, the sole source of her delusional self-worth… even with the absolute inevitability of everything that is happening to her, and the absolute certainty that it is well deserved…

…even with all of that, the simple-minded cunt still tries to duck the dick.… Read the rest “Artful Dodger”

Hi. My Daddy knows that male shouting is very scary & sometimes triggering for me…

…due to my past experiences of shouting leading to a beating. We have had this discussion previously as he has shouted at me twice previously. So last night he shouted at me (for the third time in our 2 year relationship), when I laughingly said no to turning on the lamp.

Read the rest “Hi. My Daddy knows that male shouting is very scary & sometimes triggering for me…”

What’s your opinion about girls on their period?



They need heating pads and Hershey bars and head pats, and told to get their lazy, anxiety-ridden asses to the gyno if that shit ever becomes a persistent misery. ‘Cause girls are stupid enough to let their uteri fall out before they’ll make a fucking appointment to check for fibroids.

Read the rest “What’s your opinion about girls on their period?”

me, pulling onto ur blog to talk useless horny girlthings in your ask vs. realizing everyone is coming to you for advice now abt serious shit and feeling bad………… i’m sorry lmao i love u and ur super chill. godspeed i hope ur day is great

Yeah, you’re not the only one noticing that. I mean, is that the state of the world now? We’re so deep in the shitter that I seem like a viable source for meaningful advice?

Sure, I’ve always tried to respond to obviously sincere asks in a more-or-less supportive way, but for the most part, I’m the dick that plays manipulative word games with your intrusive, pathetic, or creepy questions and comments… I’m the last person I’d turn to about anything but the most esoteric, kink-related relationship issues.… Read the rest “me, pulling onto ur blog to talk useless horny girlthings in your ask vs. realizing everyone is coming to you for advice now abt serious shit and feeling bad………… i’m sorry lmao i love u and ur super chill. godspeed i hope ur day is great”

I was wondering:do you always reblog the stereotypical Victoria secret photoshopped perfect little dolls because you like to mess with the minds of your will-bend-any-way-for-you-followers, or do you genuinely prefer women who look like that?

Multiple thoughts:

  1. If you’re asking if I like ogling conventionally hot girls… yes, yes I do. But I don’t get the “Victoria’s Secret” angle… I mean, my physical ideal is something close to Jenna Coleman, a pixie who could ride Adriana Lima like a koala hanging off Steve Irwin.
Read the rest “I was wondering:do you always reblog the stereotypical Victoria secret photoshopped perfect little dolls because you like to mess with the minds of your will-bend-any-way-for-you-followers, or do you genuinely prefer women who look like that?”

I’m seeing someone and they dont believe they are kinky, but i have seen, what i call, “the sadist spark” in their eyes…

…when i get needy and desperate. i guess my question is, do you think it’s possible for a spark like that to be real? or hidden? I’m sorry if im not clear, and thank you for your time 💕

It’s possible, certainly.… Read the rest “I’m seeing someone and they dont believe they are kinky, but i have seen, what i call, “the sadist spark” in their eyes…”


1. The Year of Our Lord, 1894

“Welcome to E.S. Holton’s!” said the druggist, his demeanor bright and cheerful. “How may I help you?”

Constance noticed the way he seemed to make an exaggerated point of setting aside the ledger he’d been updating as she stepped through the pharmacy’s door; he immediately closed the book, carefully rotated it ninety degrees upon the polished countertop, and using the fingertips of both hands, deliberately slid it out of sight behind a stack of unlabeled boxes.… Read the rest “Mudgett”