What stories is the anon talking about? I’ve been off Tumblr for a while.

I have no idea. I haven’t posted any new story stuff recently.

I tend to think of 2018 as a slow year, fiction-wise, but it wasn’t… I had The Cult, How Things End, How Things Begin, The Void, and the untitled piece about the girl finding her dad’s blog.… Read the rest “What stories is the anon talking about? I’ve been off Tumblr for a while.”

Your blog inspires me in a way that I can’t even explain. I feel different after every post I read.

But you aren’t different; you’re the same mass of indoctrinated insecurities, bottomless appetites, and unachievable dreams that you’ve always been.

The only thing that’s different is the dawning realization that your many weaknesses and failings are actually the most useful parts of you.… Read the rest “Your blog inspires me in a way that I can’t even explain. I feel different after every post I read.”

How do you feel about weed and other kinds of drugs? People your age usually have a strong opinion on it, one way or another. I’d guess you’re a hard liquor kind of man

“People your age.” Stop mocking my decrepitude, anon.

And no, I’m not at all a hard liquor kind of man… I’ve been drunk a total of two times in my life, and I didn’t find it particularly fun. I know too many people who have destroyed themselves with meth and opioids to even consider that shit.… Read the rest “How do you feel about weed and other kinds of drugs? People your age usually have a strong opinion on it, one way or another. I’d guess you’re a hard liquor kind of man”

What things would you make you a feminist?

My observation that women are routinely undercut and diminished in most professional and many social settings regardless of their contributions, my belief that physical autonomy is something every adult should have until she surrenders it, and my absolute conviction that individuals should be allowed to move through the world without having to take shit from random dickholes who feel entitled to the attention of others.… Read the rest “What things would you make you a feminist?”

It’d be a damn shame – a tragedy, really – to lose you in the Adult Content Rapture. Are you planning to keep writing anywhere else when this platform goes?

I’ve been out here writing about kink for (holy shit) 25 years now, first on Compuserve, then Usenet, then a platform of my own design, and from there, WordPress and Tumblr… I’ve been through this process many times.

I’m far too stubborn to quit now.